Infinia and Bantotal announce their agreement for the integration of the bank account validation solution into the Bantotal Store.

Infinia offers the ability to validate bank accounts in more than 25 countries, which is essential for banks and Fintechs to verify account ownership during remittance and international payments. This strategic partnership will enable Bantotal's clients to reduce fraud and avoid rejected payments, which generate significant operational costs. By ensuring the authenticity of account holders, Infinia not only improves operational efficiency, but also strengthens trust in international transactions (user experience).

"This agreement represents a significant opportunity to support organisations in the region in fighting fraud and optimising their international payment processes," says Ianai Urwicz, CEO of Infinia.

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Infinia offers a real-time payment infrastructure that facilitates financial transactions for merchants, PSPs and banks. Its end-to-end solution includes: Payins: Fast and secure payments, Payouts: Advanced payment issuance, and Bank Account Validation: Ensures the accuracy of every transaction. With a single API, it simplifies global integration and provides support in more than 25 countries, with the aim of improving the efficiency and security of payments worldwide.

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