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Bantotal Cash Management permite a la institución financiera ofrecer a sus clientes, el uso de servicios de pagos, recaudaciones y transferencias, tercerizando su tesorería y generando ahorros en tiempo y costo
¿Qué es lo que aporta Bantotal Cash Management a una Institución Financiera?
- Desarrollar negocios a través de la definición de convenios empresariales, que se ajusten a las necesidades de sus clientes, donde se fijan las condiciones operativas, canales de utilización, mecanismos de intercambio de información, precios y plazos.
- Optimizar la administración de los convenios, asegurando el ciclo de vida completo de los servicios pactados.
- Oportunidades de negocio con terceros vinculados.
- Múltiples formas de monetización.
Features and Functionality
- Modelador de servicios de pago y cobro.
- Administración de modalidades de pago y cobro.
- Reglas de negocio y programas de validación de las instrucciones recibidas.
- Modeladores de diseño de archivos, rendiciones y códigos de barra.
- Monitor de administración y procesamiento de instrucciones.
- Definición de tarifario general, o particular, por convenio.
- Ejecución de instrucciones a demanda, automáticas, batch, en tiempo real o diferido.
- Amplia conectividad con canales externos.
¿Por qué elegir Bantotal Cash Management?
Porque resuelve en forma eficiente todas las etapas vinculadas al negocio de servicios de pago, recaudaciones y transferencias requeridas por las empresas.
Bantotal Mutual Funds is a solution that allows the Financial Institution to offer their customers access to a diverse portfolio, starting from a reduced volume of money, seeking to give liquidity, security, and profitability to said savings.
¿Qué es lo que aporta Bantotal Fondos de Inversión a una Institución Financiera?
- Administrar los depósitos las suscripciones de aportes y los rescates cobrados realizados por los clientes.
- Administrar los traspasos de cuota-partes.
- Administrar las inversiones de todo tipo de instrumento financiero estableciendo topes para cada Fondo.
- Resolver la contabilidad, en línea, para cada Fondo y para la Administradora.
- Procesar la valuación de activos y el cálculo de comisiones.
- Calcular el valor cuota y la rentabilidad de los diferentes Fondos.
Features and Functionality
- Aviso y confirmación de depósitos realizados por el cliente.
- Aviso y confirmación de rescates que serán cobrados por el cliente.
- Traspaso de cuota-partes desde la cuenta de un cliente a otra cuenta entre cuentas, dentro de un mismo fondo o entre Fondos diferentes.
- Emisión masivas de Estados de Cuenta de los clientes.
- Valuación de los activos.
- Interfaces: SIOPEL, BEVSA, Bloomberg.
- Cálculo de la rentabilidad por Fondo.
- Cálculo y cobro de comisiones por administración, bajo promedio, por transacción y por exceso de movimientos.
- Liquidación de comisiones a asesores, según la antigüedad de cada aporte.
- Venta de cuotas.
- Rescate de cuotas.
- Reportes y consultas.
¿Por qué elegir Bantotal Fondos de Inversión?
Porque resuelve todo lo que necesita su institución financiera para desarrollar el negocio vinculado a la administración de Fondos de Inversión o Fondos Mutuos.
Bantotal Business Processes is a key tool to allow Financial Institutions to operate on the basis of well-defined processes, achieve their strategic objectives and keep their business under control.
What does Bantotal Business Processes allow a Financial Institution to do?
- Raise the quality of service provided to clients of the institution
- Minimize client delivery times
- Have traceable processes that can be shared with the client to align the expectations of the parties
- Ensure the quality standards set by the organization
- Control the performance of each area of the institution with full visibility with respect to performance
- Anticipate and generate corrective actions for deviations from what had been planned
- Even out the workload allocation of the institution’s various operations
- Obtain lessons learned to continuously improve business operations
- Have clear rules of operation for all involved
- Give alerts that serve as a reminder for the proper execution of defined processes
- Have accurate information in real time to make strategic definitions at a company level.
Features and Functionality
- Definition of tasks
- Definition of the order in which defined tasks should be executed
- Definition of roles and authority levels
- Define data streams
- Define messages to be transmitted
- Define alerts
¿Por qué elegir Bantotal – Procesos de Negocio?
- Because it is a proven tool in financial institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Because it contains pre-designed processes that accumulate the best market practices
- Because our consultants have the business knowledge necessary to help a financial institution to define its key business processes in line with global standards.
- Because it is an easy to use tool which streamlines processes, allowing more time for selling products.
Bantotal Treasury offers investors a global vision of their portfolio through a scalable system in terms of product variety and volume of business.
What does Bantotal Treasury bring to a Financial Institution?
- Optimized risk management, with the ability to administer portfolios according to risk categories.
- Permanently update the valuation of the invested portfolio.
- Deliver greater value to clients, communicating corporate events so that the investor can make decisions in a timely manner.
- Carry out tactical marketing activities, generating overall bonuses and reductions in period pending commissions.
- Generate commissions from a differentiated tariff by client by common concepts, such as brokering products, custody of securities, among others.
- Full business visibility by providing alerts for passing limits, online, identifying the investments made by the client in the trustees for each of the assets, with online information of the position of all areas of the institution, knowing the profitability of each operation carried out, valuing Forward operations according to term requirements, identifying correspondents with which it operates, etc.
- Greater security when taking decisions by defining roles for the front office, middle office and back office. Generating authorizations for exceptions online by the middle office for greater income fluidity.
- Online information, facilitating the interconnection with stock systems.
- Efficient control of operations, setting limits by currency on the overall position of the institution, setting limits by trader, managing settlement risk, ensuring processes through an operational flow from the Front Office to the Back Office, etc.
- Flexibility for business development by authorizing exceptions online by the Middle Office.
- Eliminate problems of roles and responsibilities by establishing clear functions and levels of responsibility for the Front Office, Middle Office and Back Office.
Features and Functionality
- Client profile management: risk averse, conservative, balanced, growth and aggressive.
- Definition of portfolios in accordance with the investment profile associated with the client.
- Definición de portafolios de acuerdo al perfil de inversión que tiene asociado el cliente.
- Graphical position query with daily market fluctuations.
- Monthly commissions billing.
- Liquidation of financial services such as payment of interests, amortization and payment of dividends.
- Connections with the main price providers.
- Limites por trader.
- Business Knowledge, through a solution based on business processes documented under standard BPMN 2.0
- Investment limits within each portfolio.
- Separation of the investment portfolio into three portfolios: trading, available for sale and at maturity.
- Calculation of trading profitability for each bank establishing participation rates between each of the banks and the foreign exchange desk in the carrying out of operations.
- Negotiation in multiple local and international markets.
- Integration with the SWIFT system for sending messages regarding the concentration and liquidation of positions.
- Interconnection with stock systems.
- Exceptions management.
- Management of the roles and responsibilities of the various areas of the institution.
Why choose Bantotal – Business Processes?
- Because it is a flexible tool which allows you to operate all existing financial products in the market
- Because it allows you to attract clients and develop your business in the Premium segment
- Because it helps you obtain the highest profitability possible in a market characterized by strong fluctuations
- Because it provides the information necessary to optimally manage your business
- Because it is a proven tool in large scale financial institutions operating in highly fluctuating markets
Bantotal Comercio Exterior permite a la institución financiera desarrollar el negocio de las Cartas de Crédito, Garantías, Cobranzas, Giros y Cheques Internacionales.
¿Qué es lo que aporta Bantotal Comercio Exterior a una Institución Financiera?
- Keeping the business under control, providing detailed information to executives of each stage of the operations, maintaining an inventory within the system.
- Meeting the standards and rules of international trade.
- Business Knowledge, through a solution based on business processes documented under standard BPMN 2.0 which allows you to efficiently manage the different operations, saving time and money.
- Better business decision making by providing key information, in a user-friendly format and in a timely manner, on the various operations carried out.
Features and Functionality
- International and domestic stand-by guarantees
- Generation of SWIFT messages running the interface with SWIFT Alliance
- Operations inventory
- Admission of payment systems in agreement with LAIA
- Controlling the term of documents
- Consultations on operations carried out
- Compliance with the following standards: UCP 600, URR725, CCI circ. 522, URDG 758
- Issuance and receipt of financial and documentary collections
- Management of guarantees given and received
- Issuance of import letters of credit with the automatic issuance of SWIFT messages
- Calculation of taxes, expenses, commissions, interests, etc. automatically
¿Por qué elegir Bantotal Comercio Exterior?
- Because it is a tool which integrates knowledge, functions and proven practices in foreign trade.
- Because it provides a unique solution to help your financial institution develop the business of foreign trade.
- Because it is a tool with the flexibility to adapt to the institutions’ different client profiles.
Bantotal is the benchmark in technological solutions for Microfinance, which has been implemented in the leading microfinance institutions in Latin America. This has allowed the best sector processes and practices to be incorporated into Bantotal – Microfinance.
What does Bantotal Microfinance bring to a Financial Institution?
- Access to a large portion of the market that does not access traditional credit and which has specific needs which are not satisfied.
- Minimizing risk through the exclusive Bantotal Scoring system.
- Facilitates operations with preferential clients of the institution through the segmentation score and the processing of credit renewals.
- Gain flexibility in defining and launching new products through a highly customizable solution, differentiating its products in the target market.
- Business Knowledge, through a solution based on business processes documented under standard BPMN 2.0
- Absolute visibility of the non-performing portfolio for information based management.
- Facilitating the management of evaluating the economic activity of the client, follow-up visits and collections of the assessors through a Vistas Bantotal View Administrator.
Features and Functionality
- Allows the processing of individual, group and solidarity microcredit.
- Credit is generated by the GXflow workflow motor which incorporates the best practices in microfinance in Latin America.
- Each stage of the credit flow is validated to ensure compliance with the policies defined by the Financial Institution.
- The credit flow allows for the processing not only of loans, but also other operations such as: renovations, refinancing, bond cards, credit limits, revolving lines and partial disbursements.
- Allows for a flexible authorization decision process for both the approval of credit applications and the authorization of exceptions to the policies of the institution.
- It has a socio-economic evaluation administration module which allows for different models for both entrepreneurs and employees. This allows institutions to process not only traditional “Micro” loans, but also loans to people belonging to the “Employee” segment.
- The solution has an alert system that allows for different actions ranging from blocking the process, requiring authorizations, etc.
- Allows for efficient control of the receipt of the documentation required for the credit process.
- Provides analysts and managers with a control panel for nonperforming credits for collections management.
Why choose Bantotal Microfinance?
- Because it is the solution which incorporates the greatest amount of knowledge and best practices in Microfinance in Latin America.
- Because it is the solution chosen by the biggest and most successful global Microfinance institutions.
- Because it is a solution that allows you to customize products and differentiate them in the market while having full control and visibility of your business.
- Because it allows you not only to process the transactions of microenterprise clients, but also evaluate clients with salaries.
- Because it is a simple to use and intuitive solution, designed so that both analysts and managers can operate in a simple and flexible manner.
Bantotal is one of the most internationally recognized core banking systems which has been implemented in the main financial institutions in Latin America. This experience has allowed Bantotal Core to incorporate the best banking practices and processes.
What does Bantotal Core bring to a financial institution?
- Complete processing of all the activities of a Financial Institution, minimizing the number of interfaces, reducing the number of providers to manage. It resolves the operations of the Financial Institution in a simple way, without errors and with great ease of use.
- Information Integrity. One single data and multiple views, avoiding the need for reconciling the product inventory and accounting.
- Business Visibility, providing online, real-time information, including Accounting.
- Security when facing regulatory changes, supporting the regulations required by the various Regulatory Bodies.
- Knowledge of the client and their relation with the Financial Institution through a “unique client” system that allows the visualization of the relationship of each client with the institution, for development and management.
- Knowledge of the business through 98 business processes embedded in Bantotal Core, documented under standard BPMN 2.0, with an accumulated 20 plus years of international experience and best practices in the financial markets.
- Accelerates the “Time-to-Market”, through a highly parametric solution.
- Reduced Operating Cost, automating a very high percentage of the operating requirements of a Financial Institution, and in an integrated manner, eliminating the costs of integration controls.
Features and Functionality
- Includes core systems, which are the basis for the operation of a Financial Institution, such as: client system, general parameter system, operation parameter system, price administration system, accounting system, tax system, system for defining and executing transactions, system for the definition and resolution of printing, security system, authorization system, and a system for integrating external applications and distribution channels (SOA).
- These core systems support the functional banking systems included in Bantotal Core, namely: a current account and savings account system, loan system, guarantees received, guarantees granted system, line of credit system, fixed-term deposit system, debit card system, securities receivable system, safe system, discount system, safe deposit system, collections system, leasing system and regulatory bodies’ information system.
- Natural integration between the core systems and the functional banking systems, ensuring timely information, the integrity of that information and the possibility, for the Financial Institution, of incorporating features and knowledge in accordance with their needs, without having to generate interfaces between those systems.
- Web solution, in the .net or Java versions, allowing it to be operated with the following databases: IBM/DB2400 – Oracle – Microsoft/SqlServer.
Why choose Bantotal Core?
- Because it is a proven solution, installed in over 60 financial institutions, in 14 countries.
- Because it is a very flexible solution, both functionally and technologically (multi-browser/multi-platform).
- Because it ensures continuity in the face of technological change, adaptability to new business requirements and scalability in the event of market growth.
- Because it is a recognized solution, not only for its clients, but also for major specialized international consulting firms, such as Gartner and Forrester.