Bantotal is one of the most internationally recognized core banking systems which has been implemented in the main financial institutions in Latin America. This experience has allowed Bantotal Core to incorporate the best banking practices and processes.
What does Bantotal Core bring to a financial institution?
- Complete processing of all the activities of a Financial Institution, minimizing the number of interfaces, reducing the number of providers to manage. It resolves the operations of the Financial Institution in a simple way, without errors and with great ease of use.
- Information Integrity. One single data and multiple views, avoiding the need for reconciling the product inventory and accounting.
- Business Visibility, providing online, real-time information, including Accounting.
- Security when facing regulatory changes, supporting the regulations required by the various Regulatory Bodies.
- Knowledge of the client and their relation with the Financial Institution through a “unique client” system that allows the visualization of the relationship of each client with the institution, for development and management.
- Knowledge of the business through 98 business processes embedded in Bantotal Core, documented under standard BPMN 2.0, with an accumulated 20 plus years of international experience and best practices in the financial markets.
- Accelerates the “Time-to-Market”, through a highly parametric solution.
- Reduced Operating Cost, automating a very high percentage of the operating requirements of a Financial Institution, and in an integrated manner, eliminating the costs of integration controls.
Features and Functionality
- Includes core systems, which are the basis for the operation of a Financial Institution, such as: client system, general parameter system, operation parameter system, price administration system, accounting system, tax system, system for defining and executing transactions, system for the definition and resolution of printing, security system, authorization system, and a system for integrating external applications and distribution channels (SOA).
- These core systems support the functional banking systems included in Bantotal Core, namely: a current account and savings account system, loan system, guarantees received, guarantees granted system, line of credit system, fixed-term deposit system, debit card system, securities receivable system, safe system, discount system, safe deposit system, collections system, leasing system and regulatory bodies’ information system.
- Natural integration between the core systems and the functional banking systems, ensuring timely information, the integrity of that information and the possibility, for the Financial Institution, of incorporating features and knowledge in accordance with their needs, without having to generate interfaces between those systems.
- Web solution, in the .net or Java versions, allowing it to be operated with the following databases: IBM/DB2400 – Oracle – Microsoft/SqlServer.
Why choose Bantotal Core?
- Because it is a proven solution, installed in over 60 financial institutions, in 14 countries.
- Because it is a very flexible solution, both functionally and technologically (multi-browser/multi-platform).
- Because it ensures continuity in the face of technological change, adaptability to new business requirements and scalability in the event of market growth.
- Because it is a recognized solution, not only for its clients, but also for major specialized international consulting firms, such as Gartner and Forrester.